Carpool participants are also eligible for the Part Time Monthly Parker Program which offers a reduced rate for 10 or 14 exits per month. 


Please feel free to contact BCAR at (716) 849-5812 with any questions or concerns.

Need More Flexibility

Download the Carpool Program application or stop in the BCAR office and pick one up. Complete and submit the application form to BCAR’s office located at 255 Pearl St. Buffalo, NY 14202. It can also be emailed to Applications can also be obtained from the BCAR office. 


Completed Carpool Permit Application forms must be submitted by the 26th of each month for Carpool passes to be used the first day of the next month. Monthly parkers will use their existing access tag or can register for a tag at the BCAR office; only one car will be permitted to park in the ramp at once.


All participants have the guaranteed option to return to single monthly parker status upon written request to BCAR by the 15th of the month preceding the 1st day of the month for which they are requesting restoration to monthly parker status.
This guaranteed option is available for 90 days from the time the participant starts the Carpool Permit program with BCAR.

How To Apply

Parking space - A Carpool parking space in convenient, lower-level ramp location.


Emergency validation - One All Day parking validation per participant each month for personal or emergency situations.


Guaranteed Ride Home Program - Enrollment for emergency rides totaling $200/year & $50 per ride.

Program Perks

After the application process is completed, a carpool group will be created and all the monthly parkers access passes (existing or new) will be assigned to that group.  


A carpool group is allowed to have one access credential in the ramp at any given time, if a second access credential is used to enter the parking garage it will be denied access.  Once the group members access tag is read when exiting the garage, it will be flagged as 'OUT" - allowing another access credential/vehicle to enter the ramp.


Entry and Exits are required in sequential order meaning if a one carpool group members access credential status is 'IN', another carpool group member's access credential cannot be used at an Enter or Exit until the IN/OUT sequence is completed on the access credential that's 'IN'.

How It Works

With support from GO Buffalo Niagara, Buffalo Civic Auto Ramps (BCAR) is offering a Carpool Permit program for a minimum of two and a maximum of four eligible monthly parkers in good standing (or up to 15 parkers for vanpools).  Program participants may ride together and split monthly parking costs with others.

As part of our on-gong Transportation Demand Management initiatives, BCAR is now accepting applications for our Carpool Permit program.

BCAR Carpool Program

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